Monday, August 5, 2013

Until Next Time, Weekend

this past weekend started the way most great weekends in this city do: at my friday night home, blackthorn.  this bar always has available seats (so no one else come here, ok?  i don't want to lose my seat), friendly people who all happen to be giants fans, and $5 pints of my personal favorite, cider.  good times are always had.
on saturday, i enjoyed a deliciously lazy breakfast in bed using my newest favorite purchase: an ikea breakfast tray.  most genius item ever.  everyone needs one in their life.  i'm not kidding.  i'm planning on having every meal in bed from here on out.  i don't know why i never thought of this sooner.

after breakfast (which might have accidentally lasted until 1:00 pm), i finally got around to scrubbing the dirty out of my new kitchen (which made me a little bit like a saint, and my roommates agree) and headed out to dna lounge with friends old and new.  i also found out that my awesomely smart and wickedly handsome friend, omid, was accepted into his first choice graduate school in london!  i am thrilled and proud of him, and maybe just a *little* bit bitter that he'll be abandoning me.  you better be prepared for lots of visits from a certain slightly annoying and anglophile brunette friend of yours, omid.  i'll bring vodka, i promise.
on sunday i made ^^this^^ delicious chocolate and peanut butter "magical healthy tasty cream" (my own fancy name),  had some good sister bonding time, went people watching in union square, and in between it all had a couple of good cries alone in my room...but don't tell anyone.  it's kinda embarrassing.  this breakup stuff is tough sometimes, what can i say.

cannot believe there is another five day work week ahead.  but, my vacation days are approved and plans set for tahoe in two weeks.  hoorah for no work and all play!  

the best part about august - the part that is totally making up for the fact that summer is almost over - is that baby charlotte is due this week!  cannot wait to meet that new niece of mine.  if she is even half as adorable as her big sister, the world is in a whole lot of trouble.

happy monday to all of you.  stay strong!  the weekend will be with us again in just five short days.


  1. Okay that breakfast is making our mouths water over here. Will definitely be checking out that delicious looking recipe too! Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at

    1. It was delish! I recommend not adding too much chocolate, though. Next time I'm going to add some Nutella instead of peanut butter. I'll let you know how it turns out! Thanks for reading!

  2. Cant Wait To Meet Charlotte AnD To See You! You're Defintely Channeling Tillie With Your New Breakfast Tray!!

    1. I was totally thinking about how she always liked to take her breakfast in bed! I definitely took after her in that regard. I'd like to think she'd be proud ;)
