Saturday, January 11, 2014

My life, according to Instagram.

Here's what happened in my life in November, December, and a bit of January, if Instagram is to be believed.  

Thanks, Instagram!  Life is lookin' pretty, pretty good...


  1. Now that I'm still unemployed, and still sharing one computer with the hubby, I find it is a lot harder to keep up with the sites I want to keep up with! That being said, prepare for some comments on your posts I'm just getting to read. I should be cleaning the house as it is a disaster at the moment, but catching up with Leith (or is this more like stalking as it is solely one-way?) is more important.

    That lacy dress/top you have on in some of those pictures is absolutely fantastic!!

    1. Aww miss you, Leighann-y! The top is from H&M and I think cost all of $10. I seem to only wear H&M clothes at the moment. I need an intervention.

  2. Aww...all your photos are so very sweet:) Happy Tuesday, lovely. xoxo

  3. I love you your photos and your dogs are adorable! :)
    Please check out my blog I've only just started it and I'd love some feedback.

