I've been taking courses at the local community college for the past year, simply for self-improvement. And classes started back up today. Yay?
When I was working towards my bachelor's degree way back when people preferred MySpace to Facebook and Dr. House was still charming the world with his egotistical tirades, I was a naive girl under a lot of stress to pick the *right* degree while also graduating on time, because college is freaking expensive. Which is how I ended up with a political science BA and no idea what to do with it.
Now I'm just a naive girl taking classes for fun. And it's pretty liberating. And sometimes very intense. I forgot what homework felt like in that abyss of time between graduating college and figuring out what I want to do with my life.
After working a nine hour day at the office and then coming home just to pull an all-nighter writing a paper, I admit I sometimes think, "Why am I doing this to myself? I don't need to be here. I could be at the bar."
But in the past year I've learned how to track down and interview people for stories (strangers are scary so this is harder than it sounds), edit newspaper copy, take better photos, and I've even published something in the campus magazine. And still found time to join friends for drinks at the bar! You can have it all!
If you live in the Bay Area and feel like learning anything from the Argentinian tango to rebuilding a jet engine, City College has a class for that! You can still register for classes for Spring 2014. Just check out the schedule here.
In conclusion, canis meus id comedit.
That's Latin for "My dog ate it," which is an insanely useful phrase in school.
So You Decided To Take More Classes After All?!
ReplyDeleteYep :)