Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fall Exists in California

When it comes to the magic of the seasons, California can be somewhat of a cruel beast, at least for me.  Some people tend to enjoy sun year-round and never needing more than a heavy sweater to keep warm, even in the depths of February.  I am not one of those people. 

Living in Europe, I felt like the drastic changes in weather somehow made each season a battle victorious. 

Surviving the cold snow and icy walks to the train station in my heeled boots meant I was worthy of enjoying the spring flowers that much more.  And enduring the rains of spring meant that I was personally entitled to the blissful humid nights of summer.  And the sweat of summer made the painted skies and chilly breeze of autumn the sweet denouement of a year-long story told just for me. 

I secretly dream of reliving the seasons again.  All of you snow shoveling haters out there can call me a crazy heretic all you want, but Mother Nature knows what's up.  Snowmen in the front yard is God's way of telling us we're special.  Or something.

Fast forward to this past three day weekend, where I found myself in Sonoma.  Did you know they have autumn in Sonoma?  Because they do, and I had no idea until now.  The leaves actually change colors and the entire valley is a rich, golden red hue.  It's a dream, especially when paired with a late harvest wine. 

Now all that's left is to cross my fingers for some snow in San Francisco.  Hey, a girl can dream.


  1. Ooh, I totally agree with you. I missed the changing seasons terribly while living in San Francisco. Happy to hear you got a little fall in your life :)

    1. Great minds, you and me, Audrey! lol! The changing seasons really make the holiday season so much lovelier, no? Is Iceland covered knee-deep in snow yet? And you've got to celebrate Thanksgiving up there for us! Represent!!

  2. You Don't Have To Travel Far To Experience More Seasonal Change, But I Know,It's Not Like Living In Seasons.

    1. Ugh, Mom? Is that you? Why must you be that way??! ;)

  3. I live in England, and have to admit that I wouldn't give up our wonderfully dramatic seasons for anything in the world! They're my favourite thing ever ever! I adore San Francisco though, would love to visit again one day! Really glad to have found your sweet blog! :)


    1. Ooooh, I lived in Bristol for a year and it was one of the most magical years of my life! The seasons in Britain are just lovely! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment!
