Thursday, April 25, 2013

Name change?

i'm a masterpiece in progress.  so is this blog.

i wanted to call this blog "sincerely san francisco" because i'm obsessed with alliteration (in, like, not a non-pejorative way--zoƫ will get that little inside joke), and because i wanted everyone to know that a blog about san francisco exists out there somewhere.

i really liked the name sincerely san francisco, but now it seems more like a working title.  should i keep the blog as-is, or change it to "tem sabi" (my middle names which mean nothing in particular) or change it to something else?

i know that knowing what this blog is supposed to about would help with your opinion about this matter.  knowing what this blog is supposed to be about would help me out too. 

trouble is, i'm not sure what this blog is going to be about yet either, really.  it's all just more about what's most aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and ears at this point.

so, in your honest opinion, which title can you best visualize it all its html glory?:


  1. And Tem Is An Egyptian God/dess

  2. And Sabi Is A Japanese Word Meaning Elegant Simplicity

  3. Haha I know, but I looked it up on the Internet and couldn't find a definitive answer. I am confused: is Sabi elegant simplicity or Wabi-Sabi? And the Internet kept telling me "Tem" meant date-tree and Hebrew. And Egyptian goddess is much cooler...

    1. I'm Pretty Sure Sabi Alone Means Elegant Simplicity, That'sWhat WE Thought At The Time At Least! Aaaarrrggghhh ThiS Message App Doesn' Seem To Work With My Phone!

  4. As much as I love your middle names and how they flow ( I often brag about my friend with the most unique name of anyone I know-- Leith Tem Sabi Mahoney-Maver), I think "Sincerely San Francisco" is such a wonderful name! So I voted that you leave, as is. Maybe you can make a blog called Tem Sabi and have it be all about why people name their kids the things they do. That way, when Peter and I have a daughter we name Leith, you'll be able to talk about how awesome you are and how much you're loved :D

    1. Aww, haha thanks Leighann. You're such a dork. ;) Love you!
